Artikel mit dem Tag "EN"

Articles EN · 06. Februar 2022
When one becomes established in ceaseless practice it continues also during sleep.

Articles EN · 31. Januar 2022
A friend asked about her sleep: I don’t have a ruminating mind. It’s mostly quiet or sticks to the task at hand. But something strange is going on in my sleep. Over the last year or so I have developed a strange relationship with sleep. Almost like I don’t want to do it. I don’t want to go to sleep at night and then when I do it’s like I’m sleeping but watching my mind run. It feels like I’m not getting good rest.

Articles EN · 29. Januar 2022
Experience of the Truth. Vers 1010 - Guru Vachakai Kovai: If you abide unshakeably in the Self, that state will destroy the bond created by sankalpas, like a snake shuffling off its slough. When you persevere, abiding in such nishta (Self-abidance) to the very end, that which manifests is the absolutely empty firmament of pure consciousness.

Articles EN · 29. Januar 2022
"As children, our attitude to Bhagavan was perhaps slightly different from that of the adults. We, of course, knew that He was God and a wonderful person to be near - truly a magical feeling, but we accepted this quite naturally and without a feeling of awe. However, sometimes even children can be awed: One of these memories I have is rather strange because to this day I recall my amazement and yet nothing actually happened at all.

Articles EN · 29. Januar 2022
A chat about Dharma, the Divine Law balancing all creation. Does anyone not know about love? Reinhard: For me, there are always 2 aspects in our experience: the first is Dharma; to look to IT would be the direct route. The second is the human comfort zone everyone has. The sense of Being and thoughts. To find freedom, we must accept the challenge of the conflict between both aspects.

Articles EN · 29. Januar 2022
Friend: Help me out, Reinhard! I’m being driven to the brink of despair (so to speak) over a long time dear friend who is hooked on listening to Rupert Spira’s most beautiful and eloquent “guided meditations” thinking that by doing this over time he will slowly become Enlightened! Rupert says that his guided meditation will “rewire” your mind and understanding and that over time, just by listening to his meditations one will reach the “ultimate understanding”. ....

Articles EN · 29. Januar 2022
Q: Many times when I try to do self-inquiry, I try to reach the ‘I’ asking myself ‘who am I?’, or stating ‘I am’. But many times there's another question popping into the head: who's asking? I can hear/feel the voice in my head asking the questions. Also many times, I keep asking but my mind keeps being distracted. What would you suggest? And who is asking? R: That shows you are still too intellectual with it. First do any samadhi meditation, any calming which you surely know.

Articles EN · 29. Januar 2022
By greater and more steadfast practice of abiding in this existence-consciousness, we will experience that this state seems to come often and take possession of us of its own accord whenever we are free from our daily work. Since this state of existence-consciousness is in fact nothing but 'we', it is wrong to think that such a state comes and takes possession of us!

Articles EN · 29. Januar 2022
I find the following quote to be a valuable addition to the well-known teachings. Some authors are fond to merely quote Paul Brunton who reported Sri Ramana saying that a separate spiritual practice is only for the merest spiritual novice. That is at least one-sided, in my experience. A subtle and concentrated silent state reached much more easily during sitting meditation seems a wonderful asset for inquiry. Of course this should expand and penetrate all our daily active life as well.